Yahoo mail
Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Love Your Mother
There is also the further provision in Article 28(3) that no person attending any educational institution recognised by the State or receiving aid out of State funds shall be required to take part in any religious instruction that may be imparted in such institution, or to attend any religious worship that may be conducted in such institution or in any premises attached thereto, unless such person or, if such person is a minor, his guardian, has given his consent thereto. Thus, complete religious freedom, with the absence of any compulsion whatsoever in religious matters, is legally guaranteed by the supreme law of the land. India is, therefore, rightly described as a secular country in which the State has no religion, nor does it seek to promote or discourage any religion or religious belief. It is obvious that the Government and people of India are secular, that is, there is no official religion. That is the legal position. The State stands committed to a policy of non-interference in religious matters. Religion is a matter of personal beliefs and con victions.
The more different types of foods you eat, the more different types of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients you consume. Instead of eating a repetitive menu with the same 10 to 15 foods each week, target 35 different types of foods per week. You can do this by eating not just Bran Flakes topped with banana for breakfast, but many different brands of cereal topped with a variety of different fruits; not just a turkey sandwich for lunch, but different types of breads and sandwich fillings; not just spinach in the salad, but lots of different colorful vegetables. Start counting!
*Are you a person loving to travel in a group
*Tats nice you may have lots of holiday packages so that you can save money while travelling in a group
*While travelling in a group We can save about 10% of money in travel insurance
*Try to keep many people in a single room so that the cost becomes less as heads increases
*Even the food costs and the taxi costs can be shared
*And last but not least some air lines are giving offers for people those who are travelling in a group more than 10 people
*Now new laser technique is used to seal and heal wounds
*But using the carbon-di-oxide laser in human body is slightly dangerous for us.
*So a new techniqual tool named Laser Welding is used
*It generates heats to the tissues in the body in a controlled manner
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